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tutorial how to clean bathroom floor

Would you like to have a shiny floor in your bathroom? How to clean bathroom floor is one of the most significant cleaning setbacks. However, it’s not only about the aesthetic aspect but also safety.

A dirty bathroom floor can make a wrong impression, and when it comes to having guests in your home, you don’t want to deal with this situation. With small steps, you can avoid this embarrassing situation; even if they visit you unannounced, you will always be ready.

On the other hand, you can’t neglect the cleaning of your bathroom floor for your family’s safety; many accidents happen because of inadequate cleaning, like slipping on a wet floor.

If your bathroom is not as sparkling clean as you would like, you should follow this guide. These instructions will help prolong the life of your bathroom’s surfaces and prevent future staining.

Just keep reading these steps to clean your bathroom floor. It will help you to make your space look better and more beautiful every day for years to come.

Hacks to Clean Your Bathroom’s Floor

hacks to clean your bathroom's floor

There are multiple ways to clean your bathroom; you can find tips with natural ingredients such as white vinegar and others with specific cleaning products.

Some floor cleaners recommend using baking soda with warm water to remove stains on the floor. In addition, if you want a deep clean of your bathroom’s floor, you can use bleach mixed with a bit of water and leave it on the floor for a few minutes while the stains are removed.

If you want to use this tip, it is vital that you keep the bathroom ventilated and do not stay there while you wait to avoid the harmful consequences it can have on you.

How to Clean Bathroom Floor | Steps to follow

A noteworthy mention is that when you clean every day, the effort decreases. On the other hand, it’s challenging to have time daily to do this task, so you can allocate one day of the week to clean your entire bathroom. If you do this as a routine, the process of cleaning your bathroom’s floor will become an easy task.

If you don’t know how to clean bathroom floor, here are some essential steps to follow.

  • Clear the floor of any objects
  • Vacuum your entire floor
  • Rinsing
  • Use a Damp Sponge

Clear the Floor of Any Objects

It is essential to start cleaning your bathroom floor by clearing it of items that should not be there, such as trash, towels, or decorative objects that you need to remove, such as flower pots.

It is elemental to have the area visible and realize where you need to put a little more effort into cleaning. Also, it will help you to organize your space and focus on the floor’s cleaning.

Vacuum Your Entire Floor

Ideally, you should begin by vacuuming the entire floor. Make sure you move from room to room, taking care to go into all nooks and crannies, on the whole base of the toilet, around your cabinets, on the shelves, above the vanity, and beneath the toilet seat.

Roughly sweep fixtures and shelves while you are at it. So, that dirt does not just float down to the carpet when you are done cleaning.

If you have a special soap or ceramic tile cleaning solution on hand, apply it to the tiles. Remember to allow it to stand for a minimum of one hour before vacuuming. When doing this, be sure to do all rooms of your house, including your basement and attic.

Vacuum all areas of your floor at least once a week, but preferably daily, to pick up as much dirt as possible.

The type of vacuum you use depends on the dirt accumulation and your preferences. In most cases, however, you will find that a small portable vacuum is more than capable of picking up most of the smaller pieces of dirt on your floors.

In addition, a standard household vacuum with an attachment for hard floors is a wonderful way to get the job done without having to take your time with the process.


The second step to clean bathroom floor tiles is rinsing. This part consists of draining any water from the affected areas, such as the shower and sink, then mopping with a wet mop or wet towel. Also, you can use a paper towel for better reach in small areas.

The steps to rinsing are simply repeating the previous steps. After the floor has been rinsed, you can proceed to mop with a wet mop or damp towel.

You need to complete this procedure at least once a month.

Time to Use a Damp Sponge


When finished, any remaining dirt should be wiped away using a damp sponge.

You can either walk over the surface with the vacuum attached. Or, you can place a clean sponge down on the flooring.

You may choose to use a slightly damp mop or brush for stubborn dirt, while a soft sponge will help remove dirt from tile or wallpaper.

By following these steps, your floors should remain to look their best, clean, and sparkling after every visit to the bathroom!

How to Clean Bathroom Floor? You Can Always Call the Experts

Remember that this guide can vary depending on your floor’s needs; the type of flooring influences how to clean the floor of your bathroom.

Further, when you try to clean your bathroom’s floor and use excess water, you’ll have to clean not only the near floor but also your entire home’s floor. If you need any type of help with your cleaning process, you just need to call us.

We have been helping homeowners and business owners for decades with the best cleaning services in Camarillo, CA. We have the tools and experience to help you get the cleanest places.

Hire the best service in cleaning. Contact us for a free quote.